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Person taking an oath

A witness in a court case is a person who has information or knowledge relevant to the case and is called upon to testify in court. A witness can be called by either side of the case and may be either an expert witness, who has specialized knowledge in a particular field, or a lay witness, who has personal knowledge of the facts of the case. The role of a witness is to provide testimony under oath about what they know or have seen related to the case. This may include providing facts, describing events, identifying people or objects, or giving their opinion on certain matters. The witness's testimony is used to help the judge or jury understand the evidence and make a decision in the case. During the trial, the lawyer of the side that calls the witness will ask questions to the witness, the other side will also have the opportunity to cross-examine the witness. It's important for a witness to be honest, accurate and clear in their testimony, and to be prepared to be questioned by both sides.

As a witness in a court case, you are required to testify if you are subpoenaed, which is a legal order to appear in court. Ignoring a subpoena can result in legal consequences such as fines or even jail time. However, you may be able to request that the subpoena be quashed or modified if it is overly burdensome or if there is a valid reason for you not to be able to comply with it. Additionally, you may be able to assert your constitutional right against self-incrimination if the testimony would incriminate yourself.


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